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Thousands of apps and no overview? Which apps are good, exciting and innovating, and therefore perfect for my child? Cinekid AppLab brings the best apps together. Have a look below!

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Children spend so much time on tablets and the smartphones of their parents, wandering around for hours through the enormous international offer from developers from all over the world. That’s why we thought it’s about time to thoroughly examine what can be done in app-country. We held the offer towards the light and formulated a fitting, healthy, media-critical menu of apps that could carry the Cinekid-stamp of approval with vitality. We bundled these apps together here.

AppLab is a selection of apps that Cinekid chooses to set as an example of what the large international scene has to offer. Our app tips are easy to find and comparable through our eight useful categories. All our selected apps have been tested on quality, playability and safety. Of course, we test the apps on privacy settings and provide user age recommendation as well, and a warning for in-app purchases or inappropriate content.

Once a year, the selection of this AppLab page is tweaked and updated. Cinekid works together with partners of the game world and the creative industry: young game developers, designers and visual artists, and studios from home and abroad. They match the organisation with the best and the latest app offer to their liking.